Wednesday 14 November 2012


Funny start to the day. I woke through the night wanting a pee, I blame it on the wine, luckily the room had a toilet. The bed springs sang every time I moved , also I could hear someone snoring next door. It did not help that I was up blogging until 2.
I eventually got up at 7 , woke J who said he felt alot better but if you ask me he was a little better. We packed our packs,  and I picked up debris from where Josh had shaken his snugpak shirt - cheese! I found myself on hands and knees cleaning trod in cheese off the carpet, it did not help that they had a no food in rooms policy . J had packed his pack before me so went down to  breaky. When I joined him he was almost done, so I made the perc coffee. The cooked breaky including eggs x 2 , beans,  mushrooms,  tomatoes and toast was excellent,  but I ate it to fast so I could get the laundry done.  I carried the laundry into the towns laundrette for 9. I had a plan,  partly due to J feeling a bit off key and partly because of all the logisticical crap I had to get done - basically to stay in the hostel another night and to walk without packs. I got the laundry on then went to the bus stop to get details of possible options. It looked like Crackington Haven was the aim as it was about 11 miles on. I confirmed with J that it was ok,  returned to the laundrette and hassled the lady there with my ignorance of her machines and put all in the drier.
I then walked back to the hostel to pay for the extra night,  grab J and back to collect the dry laundry. It was supposed to be a day offish but I felt I was juggling to much. We left our packs and were travelling light,  just a packet of biscuits and a drink each.
Josh wore his thermals and shorts,  practical if not appearing a little strange until he put his gaiters on. We picked up the laundry and I ran it up to the hostel.  I had mis-laid the guide book and had almost written it off when we found it at the  Strand bus stop,  it was on a wall for over an hour.
Releived we walked on, but VIEWRANGER app on my phone would of got us out of trouble.I would of missed the personal notes in the guide book .
The weather was was excellent as we walked dressed for late summer in the sun ... mid november!
Every thing seemed to be a photo opportunity when,  the bay, the canel lock , the beach,  compass point tower.
The 3 mile walk to Widemouth beach was easy going. Josh was chatty and time passed quickly.
As we walked to Millook a lizard scurried across the path lethargically,  probably trying to warm up in the sun ..... this was mid november! ?
At Millook Haven numerous surfers vans lined the roads,  and the view of surfers out in the bay on chunky waves was impressive....the place to be with a board.
We walked up passed blond haired bead neckless cliche é surfers, J would of fitted in .....but hey he was walking the cliffs man!
We had one mega climb which without packs made us feel super human. There was also a terrible mud path which we were pleased we were not carrying packs through..
.brambles,  hawthorn and gorse overgrown into the path added to the obstacles.  Deep joy!
We were pushed to make the bus stop at our destination and had to get a move on to get there for 2.07.
Half jogging we made it with time to spare, 3 mins! If we had missed it it would of meant a 2 hour wait ....not a bad place to spend two hours though! There was a cracking beach and pubs.
The bus turned up and with Josh feeling sick on the windy roads
we got back to a sunny, truely sunny Bude.
J was off,  a bit negative and after geting an SDcard for the camera,  a new charger for the phones and breaky stuff we returned to the hostel. It was only 3.40.
We scoffed a litre of mint choc ice cream,  J obviously feeling better sadly.
At about 5.30 I went to a busy pub the Benecoolen,  named after
a shipwreak in 1862 ....they make the most out of adversity in these parts. I relaxed with a couple of pints of Legend from a Dartmoor brewery and blogged this.
J phoned me after two hours of being  here, apparently he could not find me. Nice to be missed after 2 hours.

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