Saturday, 9 February 2013

7th FEB. M40 to TRING PARK

Woke up 5.30 and for some reason was able to get water on for a drink. We had no porridge so J had last of choc bics and I had noodles. We did have a mug and a half of mint tea though.
We were packed up in no time. It was a bright morning, even before sunrise, cold but hardly any wind unlike the last few days. The ground was frosted hard.
We set off around 7.40. Daylight hours increase really noticeable now,  both ends of the day.
J huffed and puffed his way along,  he looked very dejected and not up for another day of walking.  He said he still had stomach gripes, but was ok. I said when we get to Princes Risborough we will have a decent stop in the warm.
Red kites glided past, I used to record every sighting but these guys are everywhere , the most common bird of prey about,  seems more of these than crows.
Three deer cut across the tree lined wide track ahead of us.Not the best of views as they charged into the woodland a few hundred yards away,  still good to see.
We plodded past some chalk pits of an old cement works, fencing preventing entrance,  security signs saying patrols about.We joked saying That it was probably just a sign without a patrol.A large dog barked in the distance , guard dog recording repeated maybe.? Further on we passed a security 4x4..... just a prop! We didn't venture into the area.
We wrre noticing more Ickneild Way signs on the same plastic posts as the Ridgeway,  alot of our trail follows a similar route to Ivinghoe Beacon and beyond to join up with the Pedders Way,  our 13th National Trail.
We walked into Princes Risborough a couple of hours on passing the over signed Zest Indian Resturant which used to be the Poppyseed Pub. The high Street was compact with all you needed plus a market on today. We gathered plenty of snacks for the day,  in fact sugar and porridge as well. We must of been carrying a couple of kilo over our usual weight.
We wanted to go into Costas for a coffee but as there was no seats we went to Anton Hazelles cafe.Wish we had not though as the coffee was lousy, the place to cramped ,two women with prams preventing passage flicking through baby catalogues like they had a new hobbie,  and noisy and far to expensive.He was also a chocolatier which maybe he should stick to. I left not to happy with my experience.
We walked out up hill to rejoin the trail.
It was an interesting section via lanes,  wooded paths,  some steepish climbs to ensure we were not getting to lazy,  neolithic burial mound on Whiteleaf Hill with great views below.
We winded our way finally to Chequers,  the Prime ministers country residence. It was great tge path cut through part of the estate and a reasonible view of the property plus the odd expected security camera. Got annoyed with J just plodding blindly with headphones in@ as I wanted to chat about it all.
We again weaved our way through beech woodland, alot of the frozen ground returning to mud. It was gone 2 now. The Buckingham Way seemed to have replaced the Ickneild Way or at least in name .
We climbed to Coombe Hill , a popular dog walking spot with the Boer War memorial and views toward Aylesbury and our next destination Wendover. A slimy chalky path took us to the busy touristy Wendover.My dad was based at RAF Halton nearby so this was familiar ground from over thirty years ago, had not changed a great deal and as it was they do not like change here,  the proposed HS2 was to cut nearby and anti signs were in number.
We sat outside next to the tourist information office drinking cold coke and getting progressively colder. Our cafe budget spent for the day in jolly old Antons.
Again walking on we had a repeat of leaving Princes Risborough.
We had a good track through Hale Wood,  certainly the frozen ground had started to thaw, a Jay flitted about infront of us giving us a rare decent view of this fairly illusive bird.
It was now starting to rain which turned to snow by the time we reached the a communications tower.
We walked i the steady drizzle snow to Tring Park,  and in the Woodland Trust woods near Tring Park we pitched on a slope away from prying eyes. I left J to get tent up while I went for water. I first started walking to Wiggington before I realised that Tring was my best bet.
I went back to tell J who was having trouble getting tent pegs into the ground. Helped him thwcn decend the mile in drizzle to Tring. I got there in the dark got four litres of water from M and S. Got chips and curry sauce to share and made my way back with head torch.
Was fairly damp on return. J had the tent and gear stowed. Lovely cup mint tea,  chips, etc. Booked Travelodge for tom night for £19 for the room. Sleep for 9

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